WRAP: Wellness Recovery Action Plan

Mold your life the way you want it. Join this session to discuss a self-designed prevention and wellness process that anyone can use to discover and stay well. Learn ways to overcome mental health issues and move on to fulfilling life dreams and goals. WRAP will help individuals address various physical, mental health, and life […]

Building Grief Peer Support Groups

Are you looking for guidelines for implementing grief peer support groups on campus? This session covers the conceptualization of grief, creating group guidelines, and selecting group appropriate members. A sample curriculum and grief-focused group activities are provided to attendees.

Grief 101 Series

The group of psychoeducation training will discuss the basics of grief and how it might present in various ways. Choose from the following topics: Educator’s grief, supporting a grieving child/student, supporting a grieving child on the autism spectrum, and supporting the grief in the community.

Grief Informed Schools: Interventions for Grieving Students

Take a deep dive into how grief presents in children and adolescents. Guidelines are provided for addressing the death of a student or school staff and supporting students after a crisis. Attendees are provided with developmentally appropriate interventions for facilitating grief processing with students in individual or group sessions.

Working Through Grief: Recognizing, Managing, and Supporting Grief Processes

Multicultural Considerations to Support Grief in Diverse PopulationsThis session This session provides an in-depth look at how grief presents in children and adolescents while also exploring multiculturalism, inclusive language, microaggressions, countertransference, and practitioner biases when speaking to students about their death loss experience.

Communication Skills

Participants will learn about the different styles of communication: Passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive, and assertive. They’ll then practice different ways to express themselves through activities.

Conflict Resolution

This training explains what conflict resolution is, as well as strategies that can be incorporated to assist with conflict resolution. Participants will discuss how to identify emotions, how to apologize, helpful forms of communication, what tactics to avoid, and how to de-escalate communication.

Developmental Assets

This session will go into detail about the five elements of the Developmental Relationships Framework. Participants will learn what each element means and why each one is essential. They also will explore how to recognize and evolve their prioritized elements to open a doorway to a greater understanding and utilization of developmental relationships. By the […]